Rick C. Hodgin
2017-07-10 12:30:16 UTC
I wrote this reply to someone yesterday, and I wanted to share it here
with you because many people struggle with this concept of the spirit
nature since it doesn't correlate to our natural nature.
The spirit nature is something each of us can possess. It comes to us
automatically when we have our sin taken away, because in that very
moment we are made righteous again in God's sight, and we are no longer
under condemnation for sin.
This person was convinced the Bible could not be accurate because of a
game played in college whereby everyone in the class sat in a circle,
and they had to whisper to the person to their left a message that was
given them by the teacher. It went from person to person around the
class and when the final message was received back at the person it
started from, it had been contorted, distorted, changed.
The person concluded the Bible must be the same way because man is
fallible, makes mistakes, has purposefully hurtful agendas at times,
This response clarifies how it is God was able to 1) give His word
to man in the first place, 2) keep His word properly in tact, and
most importantly 3) able to guide us today in this war-torn world
filled with hate and violence against the things of God.
It is from within, through the spirit, and direct guidance by God's
Holy Spirit, which keeps us on the strait-and-narrow path to His
eternal Kingdom in Heaven, called the paradise of God.
-----[ Begin ]-----
Name wrote: [the bible is a book written by man... or many men]
It's natural to think that. Many men did write it over centuries.
But there's another aspect (unknown to our natural flesh) which
is also at work.
Man is a three-fold being made in the image and likeness of God.
Just as God is God the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, so are we soul,
body, spirit.
When God made Adam and Eve, they were both complete: soul, body,
spirit. They were eternal beings, and they had both physical life
and spiritual life in addition to their soul. When they disobeyed
God and ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, sin
entered in and took their life. They did not die naturally. The
Bible records Adam lived to age 930, but they did die spiritually.
This spiritually-dead-in-sin condition is passed down generation
to generation. As such, man's history is filled with an apparent
contradiction. The Bible records many supernatural things, and has
people in Israel telling others they were prophets of God and they
espoused things which they claimed were from God, many of which we
find in the Bible. We also have New Testament authors recording
more supernatural things, and more miracles, and of course Jesus
being God in the flesh, here on Earth, the Savior of the world!
It's lunacy, right?
It seems that way because our natural flesh has certain senses,
and supernatural things are, by definition, above or outside the
realm of the natural. Our natural flesh can't accept supernatural
things, only natural things.
Enter the spirit nature.
God is spirit, and when Jesus came here as a man, He wasn't just
flesh. Inside the flesh, driving it, making it animate, "quickening"
the flesh as the Bible calls it, was God's own Holy Spirit. It was
by that power, that authority, that invisible nature, that the
supernatural things manifested. It wasn't done by potions or hocus
pocus or mystical forces, but by something real, just impossible
for our flesh to reconcile, and invisible to our natural eyes.
Jesus came here as a man so He could be born under our laws, so He
could be before God literally as one of us. In so doing, and be-
cause He was God, He was able to live a sin free life and in the end
transfer the sin (of all who come to Him asking forgiveness) away
to Himself, so those who believe and ask forgiveness are made sin
free before God.
This transaction immediately makes us alive again spiritually, and
the essence of our being changes in that selfsame instant, as we no
longer possess only natural senses and inputs, but now possess also
spiritual inputs. We are able to then hear and understand / discern
God's Holy Spirit, but also the enemy spirit at work in this world.
We can then see how the spirit augments us. Our natural body is
moved by natural drives, but the born again spirit asserts itself
as well, and the things we do, speak, teach, and occupy our time
with notable change (notable to ourselves, and others).
So it can be seen how it was God's own Holy Spirit who reached into
man's natural body, and moved him from within, inspiring and guiding
him to write His (God's) words down here in this world. And similarly,
it was God's own Holy Spirit which also kept His words from corruption
over the centuries.
Oh there are corrupt versions around, but not all of them are corrupt.
God has always kept His written word secure here in this world so that
we who seek the true truth and follow Him have something tangible to
go to, which is both natural and spiritual, to corroborate our
spiritual guidance from within, so we aren't swept away by evil
spirits guiding us to do false things. And I'll be honest, Satan is
shrewd. He knows how to trick people into doing wrong things.
Bottom line:
God wrote the Bible through men. He wrote the words for the people
alive at that time, for later generations, and for us today. There
are layers and layers of understanding which the Holy Spirit leads
us to in ongoing study because, just like if you hired a yoga
instructor or life coach to follow you around 24/7 so that they're
always there to guide you, so God's Holy Spirit comes to dwell within
us spiritually, so that as we do things He's there guiding us, just
like the hired natural person would be. And just like the growing
child is able to understand at age 10 things thery couldn't at age
5, and things at 15 they couldn't at 10, so it is with the maturing
Christian in his/her spiritual walk.
Jesus makes all this possible by what He did at the cross. He went
there without sin of His own. He was condemned to die falsely. In
fact, He didn't have to die. He was justified in rightness and
guiltlessness before God, such that He would've been justified in
upon legions of angels to come and rescue Him. He could've commanded
His flesh be healed, and those who wrongly accused Him could've been
rounded up and dealt with. But He didn't do those things. He chose
to remain on the cross, innocent, willing to suffer the guilt and
shame in people's eyes, to be humiliated. Why?
For you, Name. For me. For your children, your parents, neighbors,
the drug addicts down the road, the ... [insert person or people
group here].
Jesus stayed on the cross innocent so that our guilt could be
supernaturally transfered to Himself, so that when He died in the
body, all our sin would die with Him.
It requires God giving someone an internal tweak for them to
receive this (John 6:44), without which only the natural under-
standing will be present, and it will seem like complete foolish-
ness. Only you will know truly within if God has given you under-
standing here. If He has, you are fortunate. You are one who is
being saved.
-----[ Begin ]-----
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. You can send me
private email if you feel more comfortable.
Thank you,
Rick C. Hodgin
with you because many people struggle with this concept of the spirit
nature since it doesn't correlate to our natural nature.
The spirit nature is something each of us can possess. It comes to us
automatically when we have our sin taken away, because in that very
moment we are made righteous again in God's sight, and we are no longer
under condemnation for sin.
This person was convinced the Bible could not be accurate because of a
game played in college whereby everyone in the class sat in a circle,
and they had to whisper to the person to their left a message that was
given them by the teacher. It went from person to person around the
class and when the final message was received back at the person it
started from, it had been contorted, distorted, changed.
The person concluded the Bible must be the same way because man is
fallible, makes mistakes, has purposefully hurtful agendas at times,
This response clarifies how it is God was able to 1) give His word
to man in the first place, 2) keep His word properly in tact, and
most importantly 3) able to guide us today in this war-torn world
filled with hate and violence against the things of God.
It is from within, through the spirit, and direct guidance by God's
Holy Spirit, which keeps us on the strait-and-narrow path to His
eternal Kingdom in Heaven, called the paradise of God.
-----[ Begin ]-----
Name wrote: [the bible is a book written by man... or many men]
It's natural to think that. Many men did write it over centuries.
But there's another aspect (unknown to our natural flesh) which
is also at work.
Man is a three-fold being made in the image and likeness of God.
Just as God is God the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, so are we soul,
body, spirit.
When God made Adam and Eve, they were both complete: soul, body,
spirit. They were eternal beings, and they had both physical life
and spiritual life in addition to their soul. When they disobeyed
God and ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, sin
entered in and took their life. They did not die naturally. The
Bible records Adam lived to age 930, but they did die spiritually.
This spiritually-dead-in-sin condition is passed down generation
to generation. As such, man's history is filled with an apparent
contradiction. The Bible records many supernatural things, and has
people in Israel telling others they were prophets of God and they
espoused things which they claimed were from God, many of which we
find in the Bible. We also have New Testament authors recording
more supernatural things, and more miracles, and of course Jesus
being God in the flesh, here on Earth, the Savior of the world!
It's lunacy, right?
It seems that way because our natural flesh has certain senses,
and supernatural things are, by definition, above or outside the
realm of the natural. Our natural flesh can't accept supernatural
things, only natural things.
Enter the spirit nature.
God is spirit, and when Jesus came here as a man, He wasn't just
flesh. Inside the flesh, driving it, making it animate, "quickening"
the flesh as the Bible calls it, was God's own Holy Spirit. It was
by that power, that authority, that invisible nature, that the
supernatural things manifested. It wasn't done by potions or hocus
pocus or mystical forces, but by something real, just impossible
for our flesh to reconcile, and invisible to our natural eyes.
Jesus came here as a man so He could be born under our laws, so He
could be before God literally as one of us. In so doing, and be-
cause He was God, He was able to live a sin free life and in the end
transfer the sin (of all who come to Him asking forgiveness) away
to Himself, so those who believe and ask forgiveness are made sin
free before God.
This transaction immediately makes us alive again spiritually, and
the essence of our being changes in that selfsame instant, as we no
longer possess only natural senses and inputs, but now possess also
spiritual inputs. We are able to then hear and understand / discern
God's Holy Spirit, but also the enemy spirit at work in this world.
We can then see how the spirit augments us. Our natural body is
moved by natural drives, but the born again spirit asserts itself
as well, and the things we do, speak, teach, and occupy our time
with notable change (notable to ourselves, and others).
So it can be seen how it was God's own Holy Spirit who reached into
man's natural body, and moved him from within, inspiring and guiding
him to write His (God's) words down here in this world. And similarly,
it was God's own Holy Spirit which also kept His words from corruption
over the centuries.
Oh there are corrupt versions around, but not all of them are corrupt.
God has always kept His written word secure here in this world so that
we who seek the true truth and follow Him have something tangible to
go to, which is both natural and spiritual, to corroborate our
spiritual guidance from within, so we aren't swept away by evil
spirits guiding us to do false things. And I'll be honest, Satan is
shrewd. He knows how to trick people into doing wrong things.
Bottom line:
God wrote the Bible through men. He wrote the words for the people
alive at that time, for later generations, and for us today. There
are layers and layers of understanding which the Holy Spirit leads
us to in ongoing study because, just like if you hired a yoga
instructor or life coach to follow you around 24/7 so that they're
always there to guide you, so God's Holy Spirit comes to dwell within
us spiritually, so that as we do things He's there guiding us, just
like the hired natural person would be. And just like the growing
child is able to understand at age 10 things thery couldn't at age
5, and things at 15 they couldn't at 10, so it is with the maturing
Christian in his/her spiritual walk.
Jesus makes all this possible by what He did at the cross. He went
there without sin of His own. He was condemned to die falsely. In
fact, He didn't have to die. He was justified in rightness and
guiltlessness before God, such that He would've been justified in
upon legions of angels to come and rescue Him. He could've commanded
His flesh be healed, and those who wrongly accused Him could've been
rounded up and dealt with. But He didn't do those things. He chose
to remain on the cross, innocent, willing to suffer the guilt and
shame in people's eyes, to be humiliated. Why?
For you, Name. For me. For your children, your parents, neighbors,
the drug addicts down the road, the ... [insert person or people
group here].
Jesus stayed on the cross innocent so that our guilt could be
supernaturally transfered to Himself, so that when He died in the
body, all our sin would die with Him.
It requires God giving someone an internal tweak for them to
receive this (John 6:44), without which only the natural under-
standing will be present, and it will seem like complete foolish-
ness. Only you will know truly within if God has given you under-
standing here. If He has, you are fortunate. You are one who is
being saved.
-----[ Begin ]-----
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. You can send me
private email if you feel more comfortable.
Thank you,
Rick C. Hodgin