Jesus offers to give you... everything
(too old to reply)
Rick C. Hodgin
2017-08-17 15:47:14 UTC
Eternity begins when we leave this world. For some that means
joy. For other it means terror.

All of us will spend eternity somewhere. Unless your sin has
been forgiven, for you it will be in the lake of fire writhing
in agony and torment unending. It will consume your existence
and overrun you completely. You'll never have another free
thought, a moment of contemplation, a some real consideration,
but the pain and agony and torture will consume everything about

That is the end for all who reject the truth. Who refuse to
acknowledge their sin, and who refuse to acknowledge they are
in need of a savior.

What Jesus offers you is eternity in the paradise of Heaven,
face-to-face with God in a place He's prepared for you, in an
immortal body. God is offering to give you the Kingdom.

Total forgiveness for your sin is found only in Him. He is
willing to completely restore you to Himself in eternity.
It is even His good pleasure to give you the Kingdom. He will
do this for all who will hear the truth, who will acknowledge
their own sin, and ask Him to forgive them. There will be no
one who comes to Him who is cut off or cast out. The only souls
who will be cut off are those who who, by their hard heart, refuse
to accept Him, to come to Him and ask forgiveness. Such people
totally deny the truth, and Hell was created to hold all manner
of falseness in a fully and completely self-contained space. All
who enter in to Hell will never return, because they are a cancer
upon truth, serving only the needs of falseness ... which, like
cancer, continue to eat away at all that is good until it is
perverted and destroyed, and that God will not abide in His
Kingdom, in eternity in His House.

Jesus has gone ahead and prepared a place for you. It is a place
in Heaven. It is beautiful and glorious. He's put your name on
it and reserved it for you. He's done this so you can go there
and be with Him where He is in all things forever. You've been
provided for. Well taken care of. Looked after. And it will
continue to go on. No more struggling. No more heartache or
trials or pains or sufferings. The old ways will have passed in
Heaven, having been resigned only to our existence here.

God wants us thriving and living and shining and blossoming and
doing great and wonderful things worthy of His creation in us.
He wants more than anything to forgive us and restore us to this
purposeful intent He had for us before sin entered in to this
world and your life and destroyed everything.

All you have to do is acknowledge that you're a sinner, and ask
Him to forgive you, and believe in your heart that He is capable
of doing this. How is it possible? It is logical. Jesus went
to the cross sinless. God the Father supernaturally reached
across all time and put the sin of all who would believe on the
name of Jesus onto Him at the cross.

Jesus died here on Earth in the body with our sin charged to Him.
This made Him pay for sin in our place. He became our sacrifice,
so that God would pour out the punishment He demands for sin upon
His own Son, rather than upon us. In so doing, He set us free
from judgment! Jesus gets judged in our place, and we are released
from God's judgment and are not judged, but are gifted the fullness
of Christ's own righteousness. We are made spotless and perfect by
what Jesus did at the cross. Jesus is consumed of God, and we are
set free.

Please note: Jesus did this willingly! It was His choice to do
this for us because He loves us and wants us to be with Him. But,
He wants us to recognize our place. We are not taking advantage of
Him by receiving His offering. It is literally THE reason He came
into the world ... to save that which was lost (us) to sin. But it
comes with real knowledge, a real acknowledgement of who He is and
who we are not.

This pastor does an excellent job of describing this here (begins
at 34:56, at 35:50, at 38:18, at 40:13, at 40:55. I would advise
you to listen to it. What He teaches here are God's words of
life given so that we might be redeemed.

God doesn't want us tricked or fooled or deceived by the devil.
He wants us to follow Him and to know the truth. He wants us to
overcome the devil by our faith in Him, and by Him saving us,
and giving us the new nature which comes with salvation, that
thing which is achievable no other way, but only by His completed
work at the cross:


"In 2 Cor 5, Jesus goes from the essence of God to the
essence of sin. How far apart is that? From the
essence of God to the essence of sin? That's the
love of God. 2 Corinthians 5:17+ to the end of the

"What's going on here? That we might be made the
righteousness of God in Him. He made Him to be sin,
not a sinner, but sin. It's why God turned His back
on Him. And [Jesus] cried from the cross, 'My God,
My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?' In plainer words,
from the highest possible place, the essence of God,
to the lowest possible place on this Earth. You can't
get any lower than that. When He died on the cross,
He died there as the essence of sin. 'Father, into
thy hands I commend my spirit' [Jesus said]. That's a
wonderful thing, because it tells me that He who spared
not His only Son, who offered Him up for us all..."

The God of the Second Chance. He instructs you. He
will chasten you go guide you as a good father would
his son whom he loves.

He'll chasten you. He'll forgive you. He'll love you.
He'll fellowship with you. He'll walk with you. He'll
commune with you. You're His son/daughter. And all He
wants you to do is acknowledge that, come back to Him
and say, "Lord I need your strength, there's a sin that
besets me, there's a sin I'm having a hard time getting
a victory over. I need you Lord, I need your strength.
I need your forgiveness." And it'll come. It'll come.
It'll come from a gracious heart. He's a longsuffering
God. And you'll learn after years of that ... it'll
build your faith. It will strengthen your walk with God.


"You'll begin to understand the graciousness of one who
allowed sin to come into the universe to begin with.
You gotta get that nailed down in your soul. He did
not react to the entrance of sin. Known unto God are
all of His works. And then you begin to understand
something about the one who allowed it to happen in the
beginning so that He would teach an unforgettable lesson
to His creation, because they would learn something about
God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost that they
could never learn any other way. And when the day comes
that you ever stand in His presence, you'll jump up and
down and shout and glorify God and say 'Hallelujah!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! I don't deserve to be here,
but You've been good to me. Hallelujah to God!'
Hallelujah! He's been a good God. You'll sing with the
redeemed and you'll shout and rejoice because you know
the one that's sitting on that Throne. And He is worthy!
He's worthy of our praise and our adoration. Because we
know Him. He's proven Himself to us. He's lifted us
from the dunghill to very Palace of the King."

Ask Jesus to forgive your sin today, and enter in to eternity
as a living soul. Leave the fate of the judged and condemned.
There will be no returning from that final judgment, and that
final condemnation to the lake of fire where every soul cast
in will spend a conscious eternity in writhing agony and utter
torment because they totally rejected the truth. It is the
sufficient "prison" God created for an eternal being made in
the image and likeness of God, with the real power and authority
He affords us by our very design and nature in His creation.
On this Earth a lion is a fierce creation capable of much because
of how he's put together. We are made in the image and likeness
of God and we are powerful creations. And to constrain those in
this children-of-God form, nothing less than Hell would suffice,
and what He created as Hell is wholly sufficient to keep all evil,
all sin, all falseness out of His universe forever. Nothing that
enters in to the lake of fire will ever escape. No not ever. It
is the ongoing death that never ebbs, but is the full containment
for eternal beings who cannot die, in a place where they can do no
harm to the rest of God's creation.

This is your salvation in Jesus Christ. He is saving from that
end. Jesus is offering you everything for free. All you have to
do is ask Him and you can be released from judgment, released from
condemnation and live forever in an angel-like body, with unlimited
resources, under the ongoing tutelage of an infinite God who has so
many more things to teach us in this vast universe He created ...
we've only scratched the surface of the surface here in this world
and in our Earthly understanding. What remains is infinite, because
the God who created it is infinite.

Do not enter into judgment in eternity over matters of selfish and
foolish pride, or over a particular lust over some thing here in
this world that you don't want to give up. What is coming for us
in eternity is so much better than what we have today that they
could not even be weighted on the same scale.

Choose the way of truth, and of life. Cast off the devil's shiny
trinkets of traps and snares. Say no to his apparent nice things
which are only veils for death. Ask Jesus to forgive your sin and
feel the weight of God's eternal judgment come off of you in a way
that you can feel. And feel the new life enter in to your soul in
a way that you can feel. And feel His free gift of eternity assert
itself within your soul in a way that you can feel. What He gives
you by way of a full pardon ... it is tangible, and it's more than
a prisoner would feel when he's let go from prison, because you are
that prisoner, and you'll be let go from an eternal prison

I love you so much that I'm willing to teach you all of this at
the expense it will cost me ... but even with my loss to you in
the cases where there is loss, it is to my greater gain for those
who do hear. And know this: Jesus loves you far more than I do
because He is Love literally, and He is capable of loving you in
a full, complete, and eternal way even right now.

Ask Him to forgive your sin. Do it today. Right now. This very
second. Choose eternity. Choose life. Choose truth. And make
the choice for you, your family, your friends, your co-workers.
Lead them all to this same glorious end of living in the paradise
of Heaven with God in a body like the angels, with a home in a
place where even the streets are paved with gold, and how much
more so the beautiful things?

Give yourself permission to be set free from your sin. Give
yourself permission to come to Jesus and ask Him to forgive you.
Give yourself permission to receive this, His greatest gift for
you. And act on that decision right now.

Love you,
Rick C. Hodgin
Mr. G
2017-08-17 17:04:00 UTC
On Thu, 17 Aug 2017 15:47:14 UTC, "Rick C. Hodgin" <***@gmail.com> wrote:
The concept of Jesus is an almost exact plagiarism of Horus, Attis, Mithra,
Krishna, Dionysus, amongst others, all preceeding Jesus by hundreds of
years and in the case of Horus, thousands of years. Your religious drivel
has nothing to do with os2 apps, so please take it somewhere else. This is
all I will say on the subject.
Post by Rick C. Hodgin
Eternity begins when we leave this world. For some that means
joy. For other it means terror.
All of us will spend eternity somewhere. Unless your sin has
been forgiven, for you it will be in the lake of fire writhing
in agony and torment unending. It will consume your existence
and overrun you completely. You'll never have another free
thought, a moment of contemplation, a some real consideration,
but the pain and agony and torture will consume everything about
That is the end for all who reject the truth. Who refuse to
acknowledge their sin, and who refuse to acknowledge they are
in need of a savior.
What Jesus offers you is eternity in the paradise of Heaven,
face-to-face with God in a place He's prepared for you, in an
immortal body. God is offering to give you the Kingdom.
Total forgiveness for your sin is found only in Him. He is
willing to completely restore you to Himself in eternity.
It is even His good pleasure to give you the Kingdom. He will
do this for all who will hear the truth, who will acknowledge
their own sin, and ask Him to forgive them. There will be no
one who comes to Him who is cut off or cast out. The only souls
who will be cut off are those who who, by their hard heart, refuse
to accept Him, to come to Him and ask forgiveness. Such people
totally deny the truth, and Hell was created to hold all manner
of falseness in a fully and completely self-contained space. All
who enter in to Hell will never return, because they are a cancer
upon truth, serving only the needs of falseness ... which, like
cancer, continue to eat away at all that is good until it is
perverted and destroyed, and that God will not abide in His
Kingdom, in eternity in His House.
Jesus has gone ahead and prepared a place for you. It is a place
in Heaven. It is beautiful and glorious. He's put your name on
it and reserved it for you. He's done this so you can go there
and be with Him where He is in all things forever. You've been
provided for. Well taken care of. Looked after. And it will
continue to go on. No more struggling. No more heartache or
trials or pains or sufferings. The old ways will have passed in
Heaven, having been resigned only to our existence here.
God wants us thriving and living and shining and blossoming and
doing great and wonderful things worthy of His creation in us.
He wants more than anything to forgive us and restore us to this
purposeful intent He had for us before sin entered in to this
world and your life and destroyed everything.
All you have to do is acknowledge that you're a sinner, and ask
Him to forgive you, and believe in your heart that He is capable
of doing this. How is it possible? It is logical. Jesus went
to the cross sinless. God the Father supernaturally reached
across all time and put the sin of all who would believe on the
name of Jesus onto Him at the cross.
Jesus died here on Earth in the body with our sin charged to Him.
This made Him pay for sin in our place. He became our sacrifice,
so that God would pour out the punishment He demands for sin upon
His own Son, rather than upon us. In so doing, He set us free
from judgment! Jesus gets judged in our place, and we are released
from God's judgment and are not judged, but are gifted the fullness
of Christ's own righteousness. We are made spotless and perfect by
what Jesus did at the cross. Jesus is consumed of God, and we are
set free.
Please note: Jesus did this willingly! It was His choice to do
this for us because He loves us and wants us to be with Him. But,
He wants us to recognize our place. We are not taking advantage of
Him by receiving His offering. It is literally THE reason He came
into the world ... to save that which was lost (us) to sin. But it
comes with real knowledge, a real acknowledgement of who He is and
who we are not.
This pastor does an excellent job of describing this here (begins
at 34:56, at 35:50, at 38:18, at 40:13, at 40:55. I would advise
you to listen to it. What He teaches here are God's words of
life given so that we might be redeemed.
God doesn't want us tricked or fooled or deceived by the devil.
He wants us to follow Him and to know the truth. He wants us to
overcome the devil by our faith in Him, and by Him saving us,
and giving us the new nature which comes with salvation, that
thing which is achievable no other way, but only by His completed
"In 2 Cor 5, Jesus goes from the essence of God to the
essence of sin. How far apart is that? From the
essence of God to the essence of sin? That's the
love of God. 2 Corinthians 5:17+ to the end of the
"What's going on here? That we might be made the
righteousness of God in Him. He made Him to be sin,
not a sinner, but sin. It's why God turned His back
on Him. And [Jesus] cried from the cross, 'My God,
My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?' In plainer words,
from the highest possible place, the essence of God,
to the lowest possible place on this Earth. You can't
get any lower than that. When He died on the cross,
He died there as the essence of sin. 'Father, into
thy hands I commend my spirit' [Jesus said]. That's a
wonderful thing, because it tells me that He who spared
not His only Son, who offered Him up for us all..."
The God of the Second Chance. He instructs you. He
will chasten you go guide you as a good father would
his son whom he loves.
He'll chasten you. He'll forgive you. He'll love you.
He'll fellowship with you. He'll walk with you. He'll
commune with you. You're His son/daughter. And all He
wants you to do is acknowledge that, come back to Him
and say, "Lord I need your strength, there's a sin that
besets me, there's a sin I'm having a hard time getting
a victory over. I need you Lord, I need your strength.
I need your forgiveness." And it'll come. It'll come.
It'll come from a gracious heart. He's a longsuffering
God. And you'll learn after years of that ... it'll
build your faith. It will strengthen your walk with God.
"You'll begin to understand the graciousness of one who
allowed sin to come into the universe to begin with.
You gotta get that nailed down in your soul. He did
not react to the entrance of sin. Known unto God are
all of His works. And then you begin to understand
something about the one who allowed it to happen in the
beginning so that He would teach an unforgettable lesson
to His creation, because they would learn something about
God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost that they
could never learn any other way. And when the day comes
that you ever stand in His presence, you'll jump up and
down and shout and glorify God and say 'Hallelujah!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! I don't deserve to be here,
but You've been good to me. Hallelujah to God!'
Hallelujah! He's been a good God. You'll sing with the
redeemed and you'll shout and rejoice because you know
the one that's sitting on that Throne. And He is worthy!
He's worthy of our praise and our adoration. Because we
know Him. He's proven Himself to us. He's lifted us
from the dunghill to very Palace of the King."
Ask Jesus to forgive your sin today, and enter in to eternity
as a living soul. Leave the fate of the judged and condemned.
There will be no returning from that final judgment, and that
final condemnation to the lake of fire where every soul cast
in will spend a conscious eternity in writhing agony and utter
torment because they totally rejected the truth. It is the
sufficient "prison" God created for an eternal being made in
the image and likeness of God, with the real power and authority
He affords us by our very design and nature in His creation.
On this Earth a lion is a fierce creation capable of much because
of how he's put together. We are made in the image and likeness
of God and we are powerful creations. And to constrain those in
this children-of-God form, nothing less than Hell would suffice,
and what He created as Hell is wholly sufficient to keep all evil,
all sin, all falseness out of His universe forever. Nothing that
enters in to the lake of fire will ever escape. No not ever. It
is the ongoing death that never ebbs, but is the full containment
for eternal beings who cannot die, in a place where they can do no
harm to the rest of God's creation.
This is your salvation in Jesus Christ. He is saving from that
end. Jesus is offering you everything for free. All you have to
do is ask Him and you can be released from judgment, released from
condemnation and live forever in an angel-like body, with unlimited
resources, under the ongoing tutelage of an infinite God who has so
many more things to teach us in this vast universe He created ...
we've only scratched the surface of the surface here in this world
and in our Earthly understanding. What remains is infinite, because
the God who created it is infinite.
Do not enter into judgment in eternity over matters of selfish and
foolish pride, or over a particular lust over some thing here in
this world that you don't want to give up. What is coming for us
in eternity is so much better than what we have today that they
could not even be weighted on the same scale.
Choose the way of truth, and of life. Cast off the devil's shiny
trinkets of traps and snares. Say no to his apparent nice things
which are only veils for death. Ask Jesus to forgive your sin and
feel the weight of God's eternal judgment come off of you in a way
that you can feel. And feel the new life enter in to your soul in
a way that you can feel. And feel His free gift of eternity assert
itself within your soul in a way that you can feel. What He gives
you by way of a full pardon ... it is tangible, and it's more than
a prisoner would feel when he's let go from prison, because you are
that prisoner, and you'll be let go from an eternal prison
I love you so much that I'm willing to teach you all of this at
the expense it will cost me ... but even with my loss to you in
the cases where there is loss, it is to my greater gain for those
who do hear. And know this: Jesus loves you far more than I do
because He is Love literally, and He is capable of loving you in
a full, complete, and eternal way even right now.
Ask Him to forgive your sin. Do it today. Right now. This very
second. Choose eternity. Choose life. Choose truth. And make
the choice for you, your family, your friends, your co-workers.
Lead them all to this same glorious end of living in the paradise
of Heaven with God in a body like the angels, with a home in a
place where even the streets are paved with gold, and how much
more so the beautiful things?
Give yourself permission to be set free from your sin. Give
yourself permission to come to Jesus and ask Him to forgive you.
Give yourself permission to receive this, His greatest gift for
you. And act on that decision right now.
Love you,
Rick C. Hodgin
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Rick C. Hodgin
2017-08-17 17:06:11 UTC
Post by Mr. G
The concept of Jesus is an almost exact plagiarism of Horus, Attis, Mithra,
Krishna, Dionysus, amongst others, all preceeding Jesus by hundreds of
years and in the case of Horus, thousands of years.
If you were wrong about that belief, would you want to know the truth?

Thank you,
Rick C. Hodgin
Rick C. Hodgin
2017-08-17 17:32:10 UTC
Post by Rick C. Hodgin
Post by Mr. G
The concept of Jesus is an almost exact plagiarism of Horus, Attis, Mithra,
Krishna, Dionysus, amongst others, all preceeding Jesus by hundreds of
years and in the case of Horus, thousands of years.
If you were wrong about that belief, would you want to know the truth?
Here's a pastor's teaching that addresses your thinking on whether
or not the Bible is trustworthy and accurate and foundational as
an original source:


You have to remember that the things that exist exist. Satan
cannot create anything new. All He can do is take what God
created and then twist its intent, give it a purported new
meaning, and so on.

Because Satan cannot create anything new he's severely handicapped
in how he can operate, but if he can get people believing that the
things of God are not the things of God, but are copies of some
other things ... then that lie steals your soul.

You have to look at who the adversary is, and acknowledge him in
his capacity and regard ... but at the same time, you have to
personally look at who Jesus is, what truth is (who truth is),
and acknowledge Him in His capacity and regard.

You'll find the Bible is authoritative and reliable. You'll find
there are no holes in it. You'll find everything God has given us
in scripture makes sense ... it's just that some of it requires
some rather advanced understanding of the things of God to have it
make sense, because just as a four-year old can't understand how
you push a button here and the rocket launches over there, once a
student goes through the learning curve and understands electricity
and wires and control circuitry and liquid fuel and so on, then it
make sense to them logically. Until that time, the four-year old
must simply accept it on faith that pressing the "Launch" button
will engage the rocket.

For us, the Bible is understood easily enough that we can come to
a full knowledge of saving faith. You need only ask yourself two

1) Am I a sinner?
2) If God is truth, and He's said He will judge sin, will
He judge sin? More fundamentally: What would truth do
if truth said it would do something?

The answer to 1) is obvious. We are all sinners. The answer to
2) comes only from an ability to receive truth as fundamental and
explicit. And for all people with regards to Jesus, that's where
the rubber meets the road. People will either believe there is a
true, foundational, rudimentary form called truth that cannot be
broken down to further constituent components ... or they won't.

As I have said many times: The message of the cross and the
teachings of the Bible are for those who are being saved, and
them only. It is not given for other people.

Thank you,
Rick C. Hodgin
Rick C. Hodgin
2017-08-17 20:44:04 UTC
Eternity begins when we leave this world.  For some that means
joy.  For other it means terror.
All of us will spend eternity somewhere.  Unless your sin has
been forgiven, for you it will be in the lake of fire writhing
in agony and torment unending.  It will consume your existence
and overrun you completely.  You'll never have another free
thought, a moment of contemplation, a some real consideration,
but the pain and agony and torture will consume everything about
That is the end for all who reject the truth.  Who refuse to
acknowledge their sin, and who refuse to acknowledge they are
in need of a savior.
What Jesus offers you is eternity in the paradise of Heaven,
face-to-face with God in a place He's prepared for you, in an
immortal body.  God is offering to give you the Kingdom.
Total forgiveness for your sin is found only in Him.  He is
willing to completely restore you to Himself in eternity.
It is even His good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.  He will
do this for all who will hear the truth, who will acknowledge
their own sin, and ask Him to forgive them.  There will be no
one who comes to Him who is cut off or cast out.  The only souls
who will be cut off are those who who, by their hard heart, refuse
to accept Him, to come to Him and ask forgiveness.  Such people
totally deny the truth, and Hell was created to hold all manner
of falseness in a fully and completely self-contained space.  All
who enter in to Hell will never return, because they are a cancer
upon truth, serving only the needs of falseness ... which, like
cancer, continue to eat away at all that is good until it is
perverted and destroyed, and that God will not abide in His
Kingdom, in eternity in His House.
Jesus has gone ahead and prepared a place for you.  It is a place
in Heaven.  It is beautiful and glorious.  He's put your name on
it and reserved it for you.  He's done this so you can go there
and be with Him where He is in all things forever.  You've been
provided for.  Well taken care of.  Looked after.  And it will
continue to go on.  No more struggling.  No more heartache or
trials or pains or sufferings.  The old ways will have passed in
Heaven, having been resigned only to our existence here.
God wants us thriving and living and shining and blossoming and
doing great and wonderful things worthy of His creation in us.
He wants more than anything to forgive us and restore us to this
purposeful intent He had for us before sin entered in to this
world and your life and destroyed everything.
All you have to do is acknowledge that you're a sinner, and ask
Him to forgive you, and believe in your heart that He is capable
of doing this.  How is it possible?  It is logical.  Jesus went
to the cross sinless.  God the Father supernaturally reached
across all time and put the sin of all who would believe on the
name of Jesus onto Him at the cross.
Jesus died here on Earth in the body with our sin charged to Him.
This made Him pay for sin in our place.  He became our sacrifice,
so that God would pour out the punishment He demands for sin upon
His own Son, rather than upon us.  In so doing, He set us free
from judgment!  Jesus gets judged in our place, and we are released
from God's judgment and are not judged, but are gifted the fullness
of Christ's own righteousness.  We are made spotless and perfect by
what Jesus did at the cross.  Jesus is consumed of God, and we are
set free.
Please note:  Jesus did this willingly!  It was His choice to do
this for us because He loves us and wants us to be with Him.  But,
He wants us to recognize our place.  We are not taking advantage of
Him by receiving His offering.  It is literally THE reason He came
into the world ... to save that which was lost (us) to sin.  But it
comes with real knowledge, a real acknowledgement of who He is and
who we are not.
This pastor does an excellent job of describing this here (begins
at 34:56, at 35:50, at 38:18, at 40:13, at 40:55.  I would advise
you to listen to it.  What He teaches here are God's words of
life given so that we might be redeemed.
God doesn't want us tricked or fooled or deceived by the devil.
He wants us to follow Him and to know the truth.  He wants us to
overcome the devil by our faith in Him, and by Him saving us,
and giving us the new nature which comes with salvation, that
thing which is achievable no other way, but only by His completed
    "In 2 Cor 5, Jesus goes from the essence of God to the
     essence of sin.  How far apart is that?  From the
     essence of God to the essence of sin?  That's the
     love of God.  2 Corinthians 5:17+ to the end of the
    "What's going on here?  That we might be made the
     righteousness of God in Him.  He made Him to be sin,
     not a sinner, but sin.  It's why God turned His back
     on Him.  And [Jesus] cried from the cross, 'My God,
     My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?'  In plainer words,
     from the highest possible place, the essence of God,
     to the lowest possible place on this Earth.  You can't
     get any lower than that.  When He died on the cross,
     He died there as the essence of sin.  'Father, into
     thy hands I commend my spirit' [Jesus said].  That's a
     wonderful thing, because it tells me that He who spared
     not His only Son, who offered Him up for us all..."
    The God of the Second Chance.  He instructs you.  He
    will chasten you go guide you as a good father would
    his son whom he loves.
    He'll chasten you.  He'll forgive you.  He'll love you.
    He'll fellowship with you.  He'll walk with you.  He'll
    commune with you.  You're His son/daughter.  And all He
    wants you to do is acknowledge that, come back to Him
    and say, "Lord I need your strength, there's a sin that
    besets me, there's a sin I'm having a hard time getting
    a victory over.  I need you Lord, I need your strength.
    I need your forgiveness."  And it'll come.  It'll come.
    It'll come from a gracious heart.  He's a longsuffering
    God.  And you'll learn after years of that ... it'll
    build your faith.  It will strengthen your walk with God.
    "You'll begin to understand the graciousness of one who
     allowed sin to come into the universe to begin with.
     You gotta get that nailed down in your soul.  He did
     not react to the entrance of sin.  Known unto God are
     all of His works.  And then you begin to understand
     something about the one who allowed it to happen in the
     beginning so that He would teach an unforgettable lesson
     to His creation, because they would learn something about
     God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost that they
     could never learn any other way.  And when the day comes
     that you ever stand in His presence, you'll jump up and
     down and shout and glorify God and say 'Hallelujah!
     Hallelujah!  Hallelujah!  I don't deserve to be here,
     but You've been good to me.  Hallelujah to God!'
     Hallelujah!  He's been a good God.  You'll sing with the
     redeemed and you'll shout and rejoice because you know
     the one that's sitting on that Throne.  And He is worthy!
     He's worthy of our praise and our adoration.  Because we
     know Him.  He's proven Himself to us.  He's lifted us
     from the dunghill to very Palace of the King."
Ask Jesus to forgive your sin today, and enter in to eternity
as a living soul.  Leave the fate of the judged and condemned.
There will be no returning from that final judgment, and that
final condemnation to the lake of fire where every soul cast
in will spend a conscious eternity in writhing agony and utter
torment because they totally rejected the truth.  It is the
sufficient "prison" God created for an eternal being made in
the image and likeness of God, with the real power and authority
He affords us by our very design and nature in His creation.
On this Earth a lion is a fierce creation capable of much because
of how he's put together.  We are made in the image and likeness
of God and we are powerful creations.  And to constrain those in
this children-of-God form, nothing less than Hell would suffice,
and what He created as Hell is wholly sufficient to keep all evil,
all sin, all falseness out of His universe forever.  Nothing that
enters in to the lake of fire will ever escape.  No not ever.  It
is the ongoing death that never ebbs, but is the full containment
for eternal beings who cannot die, in a place where they can do no
harm to the rest of God's creation.
This is your salvation in Jesus Christ.  He is saving from that
end.  Jesus is offering you everything for free.  All you have to
do is ask Him and you can be released from judgment, released from
condemnation and live forever in an angel-like body, with unlimited
resources, under the ongoing tutelage of an infinite God who has so
many more things to teach us in this vast universe He created ...
we've only scratched the surface of the surface here in this world
and in our Earthly understanding.  What remains is infinite, because
the God who created it is infinite.
Do not enter into judgment in eternity over matters of selfish and
foolish pride, or over a particular lust over some thing here in
this world that you don't want to give up.  What is coming for us
in eternity is so much better than what we have today that they
could not even be weighted on the same scale.
Choose the way of truth, and of life.  Cast off the devil's shiny
trinkets of traps and snares.  Say no to his apparent nice things
which are only veils for death.  Ask Jesus to forgive your sin and
feel the weight of God's eternal judgment come off of you in a way
that you can feel.  And feel the new life enter in to your soul in
a way that you can feel.  And feel His free gift of eternity assert
itself within your soul in a way that you can feel.  What He gives
you by way of a full pardon ... it is tangible, and it's more than
a prisoner would feel when he's let go from prison, because you are
that prisoner, and you'll be let go from an eternal prison
I love you so much that I'm willing to teach you all of this at
the expense it will cost me ... but even with my loss to you in
the cases where there is loss, it is to my greater gain for those
who do hear.  And know this:  Jesus loves you far more than I do
because He is Love literally, and He is capable of loving you in
a full, complete, and eternal way even right now.
Ask Him to forgive your sin.  Do it today.  Right now.  This very
second.  Choose eternity.  Choose life.  Choose truth.  And make
the choice for you, your family, your friends, your co-workers.
Lead them all to this same glorious end of living in the paradise
of Heaven with God in a body like the angels, with a home in a
place where even the streets are paved with gold, and how much
more so the beautiful things?
Give yourself permission to be set free from your sin.  Give
yourself permission to come to Jesus and ask Him to forgive you.
Give yourself permission to receive this, His greatest gift for
you.  And act on that decision right now.
Love you,
Rick C. Hodgin
A very good question / statement was made on another thread.
I responded there with some information that is relevant here.
I include a link to that content here for the purposes of
teaching anyone who comes across this information the truth
about the way people perceive their feelings:


Sin has been more destructive to us than most people realize.
It has harmed us and diminished us to such an extent that we
are so easily overrun by evil spirits attempting to keep us
in sin, under bondage, away from Jesus, unsaved, and on our
way to Hell.

But this message of hope is given to each of you so that you
can know THERE IS a way out. It is through that which Jesus
did for us at the cross.

I urge you to read the link above, and to please contact me
if you have any questions. You can contact me privately,
and I will regard your posts anonymously, but I will post the
reply publicly because the information will address the
unspoken questions from others.

Thank you,
Rick C. Hodgin
Mr. Man-wai Chang
2017-08-18 13:19:14 UTC
Post by Rick C. Hodgin
Eternity begins when we leave this world. For some that means
joy. For other it means terror.
Is Jesus responsible for Bitcoins? :)
@~@ Remain silent! Drink, Blink, Stretch! Live long and prosper!!
/ v \ Simplicity is Beauty!
/( _ )\ May the Force and farces be with you!
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