Post by asuri$nospam$Does any know how to install ibm works, and the voice stuff from os2
wark 4 over OS2 warp 4.52 CR2, regards
First, you need to grab a copy of \OS2\INSTALL\FIBASE.RSP off an installed
Warp 4 box. (Or from the Warp 4 CD, if you know which file it's PACKed
inside, but I don't.) MCP2 has its own FIBASE.RSP, but you need the Warp
4 one. Copy it onto your system to some temporary directory.
Next, open a command prompt and run 'CLIFI /A:T'. This will create an
'Install Object' on the desktop.
Right-click on the Install Object and from the context menu choose
'Response file' --> 'Read'. Select the FIBASE.RSP you just retrieved.
Create a text file called e.g. OPTIONS.RSP and put the following into it:
FIBASE.TargetDrive=D: # substitute D: with the install drive you want
If you want VoiceType and the BonusPak on separate drives, you could
alternatively put in the following:
VT.TarDrv=D: # substitute D: with the install drive you want
OS2BONUSPAK.TarDrv=E: # substitute E: with the install drive you want
Right-click on the Install Object and, once again, from the context menu
choose 'Response file' --> 'Read'. Select the OPTIONS.RSP file you just
Right-click on the Install Object and choose 'Properties'. Verify that
'TargetDrive' and 'SourcePath' are showing the correct values (as you
specified in OPTIONS.RSP).
Insert your Warp 4 CD.
Double-click on the Install Object and make sure you DESELECT EVERYTHING
Under 'OS2BONUSPAK' you can select whatever components you want.
BPASKPSP is AskPSP, an obsolete support tool. Don't select this.
BPCIM is CompuServe Information Manager.
BPHAL is HyperAccess Lite, some sort of terminal program?
are all part of HP JetAdmin.
BPIBMWORKS is IBM Works, I guess you want this one.
are all part of Lexmark MarkVision.
BPRS2 is the old IBM Remote Support Tool.
When you've made your selections, press 'Install'.
When it prompts you for the media path (it defaults to x:\FI where x: is
your first CD-ROM drive), change it to x:\OS2IMAGE\FI, where x: is the
CD-ROM drive with the Warp 4 CD.
The install should then run. Reboot when done.
(The VoiceType folder should now be under 'Programs', and IBM Works should
be located under 'Programs' --> 'Applications'.
You may now delete the Install Object on the desktop, and also the two
.RSP files.
(I'm working on an article to generalize this procedure. I may submit it
to VOICE.)
Alex Taylor